SEO for your video!

We've heard it many time: YOU NEED VIDEO! Yes, we do. Why? Google owns YouTube, therefore Google search engines like YouTube video content. Great start, placing content on the 2nd largest search engine on the net, but....your search engine optimization (SEO) is limited to the tags you can place with that video, and that is a limited description of what your work actually contains. You ask: Can Google read the text of my voice in my video? Here's a not so secret, but known limitation of merely placing a video on any site, including YouTube: the search engines can't "see" your script in order to capture it in the search databases. Practically that means your key phrase used in your talking portions is completely missed, so the people seeking the answer to a question that contains those words will most likely not see your video that might just be the perfect solution or answer for them. Know this: One day, Google will overcome this, and on second hand information, as they are working on the speech recognition capability to "see" inside your videos. How can you get the search engines to capture your speaking in a video? So how do you make sure the great content of your video is promoted well via the search engines? The answer is: Your blog/website. It is within that framework where you are able to overcome the limitations of the current search engine technology and allow the presentation of the text. It's not as difficult as you may think. If you're like most people, before you do a video, you have it scripted. I'd suspect that's a Word document, or a PowerPoint presentation. That's the foundation for your the text input for your blog post/webpage insertion. So besides the tags and categories of the post/page (which are the analogs of the tags in YouTube), you set your video frame in place and underneath that you cut and paste the text from your script below! Maybe you don't need all the text there, but I'd recommend you consider doing that for two reasons: 1) Then all of it can be indexed by the search engines, even the portions you may not consider part of your primary message and; 2) There are still many readers who actually prefer reading over watching a video. I personally scan text quickly looking to see if the answer is possibly presented. If not, I move on, if so, I'll stay and read more. A a time management technique, I like that ability, rather than watching a video that, will all good presentation intention would answer my question, but from the limited text information available, it ends up not satisfying my quest for knowledge. Take Away: You wrote your script, so use it in conjunction with the video material posted. You will satisfy the search engine's need to collect information to provide the best answer to a human and you will engage the visitors that are reader, as well as your viewers! It's a Win-Win-Win!